This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, transmit, store, and secure personal information collected through our Familykonnect Service, as well as your options for data collection and usage. This privacy policy applies to all Familykonnect app users. Familykonnect allows you to create a circle with other users in your family or social circle. This app protects the privacy of its user’s.
This privacy policy applies to any information gathered by the Familykonnect Service, including personal information.
Familykonnect is not a SPY app. To know the location of the people in your circle, you must join a circle or create one and ask others to join it, and then wait for them to join your circle before you can.
It is explicitly prohibited to use Familykonnect to engage in unlawful actions, including but not limited to tracking individuals without their knowledge or agreement.

How Do We Collect and Use Information?

The information you provide us is voluntary. For example, when you email us to access our services.

  • Registration and Profile Information: When you create an account with us, we may ask for personal information such your username and email address. We may collect a photo linked to the account by you or another Circle member. We may collect additional billing information if you join up for Premium service.
  • Data collected through use of the Service: We may request additional profile and demographic information after you have made an account. You can also label locations on your map, such as "work" and "home," to make it easier to locate your favorite places and receive notifications when family members leave and arrive.
  • GEOLOCATION: We collect your location data from your mobile device using GPS coordinates (e.g., latitude/longitude) and use WIFI to sync data with the server. For real-time location monitoring, we also require users to grant foreground and background permission from their device settings.
  • Movement Data: We use sensor and motion data from your smartphone, including accelerometer data, to compute and detect driving events like speeding, hard braking, and crash detection, and other occurrences. We also collect data about any physical activity using sensors to provide you with accurate information about your entire day's motions, such as walking, running, cycling, and driving.
  • Messages and User Content: We collect information when you use this service to message other members of your Circle. We may keep the messages you send to us.
  • Information we collect automatically using technology: Data about your smartphone, such as Internet service provider, device model/manufacturer, date and time stamp, battery life, and other similar information.
  • Battery saving mode: When you use battery saving mode in the Familykonnect app, your location will be retrieved every 30 minutes for free users and every 15 minutes for premium users. You can modify it in the app's settings.

Even when the app is closed or in the background, we record your location, movement activities, and battery level to improve our services. We also use these to

  • Keep in touch with your circle's members.
  • Know your driving style so we can develop a travel history just for you and your circle.
  • A member enters/exits saved places.

Sharing Of Your Personal Information

Google Analytics may also receive location data from us. Google uses the data to track and evaluate how this application is used, as well as to generate and share reports on its activities with other Google services. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize its own ad networks.

How We Protect Your Information

Familykonnect app is concerned about data security and takes appropriate technological measures to secure the integrity and security of any information acquired. However, no security mechanism is inaccessible, and we cannot guarantee complete system security. If any information under our control is compromised as a result of a security breach, we will investigate the situation and, if necessary, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised, as well as take other appropriate steps in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Modifying Your Account Information and Settings

By logging in to your account, you can reset your password, change your account settings, and update or amend your personal information at any time. Please contact us at if you have any issues about reviewing or altering your account information.

Location and Movement Data Collection and Sharing

We collect precise location data as well as driving and movement data (such as accelerometer data) from your device in order to provide the Familykonnect app Services, and we may share your personal information, including location and movement data, with other Familykonnect app users in your Family Circle or other Circle to which you belong. You can control this data in a variety of ways through the App Settings

Limit location sharing with your Circle

In the App settings, you can turn off location sharing for your account. We will not record or share your location data with any Circles if you disable location sharing.

Managing Your Information - opt/In-out

It is important to us that you have control over and can choose how your information is used. You can ask for it.

You can send us an email at if you want to make a request.
If you want to stop sharing your location, you may do so by:

You may also stop sharing data with us if you:


The approval of a parent or legal guardian is required for children under the age of 13 to use Familykonnect and its services.
We are devoted to preserving children's privacy and urge parents and guardians to actively participate in their children's online activities.
We do not allow or intentionally collect information from minors under the minimal age.
You may erase your child's data from our database by deleting their account inside the app.


Familykonnect app reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or update this Privacy Policy at any time, so you should keep checking back frequently. If we change the policy, we will update the 'last changed' date at the top of this page. If we make any substantial changes to this Privacy Policy or how a Familykonnect app uses your personal information, we will notify you either by publicly publishing a notice of such changes before to implementing the change or by directly sending you a communication.

Contact Us

Please email us if you have any queries regarding our policy at